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Privacy Policy

Team Zone, a division of Zone Properties Pty Limited ACN 050 131 096, is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and secure environment on the internet for children.

At Team Zone, we put parental privacy concerns first, and protecting the privacy of any information we collect from kids is important to us.

This Privacy Policy describes what information Team Zone collects from children and the policies and procedures governing the collection and use of such information. From time to time, we may revise this Privacy Policy to reflect changes in the law, self-regulatory practices, technology, and the features of

The Team Zone Philosophy

Team Zone believes that it can provide an exciting and entertaining experience for children without requiring them to submit more than a minimal amount of personally identifiable information (PII"). Most activities on can be performed without the participant supplying PII; instead, children may be asked to provide such non-PII first & last name, age, gender, city, and/or state. In those instances where we do request PII, parents can be confident that it will be collected and maintained in accordance with all federal, state, and local laws, including the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act ("COPPA"). In addition, we never require children to disclose more PII than is reasonably necessary for them to participate in an activity.

Cookies and Sharing Information with Third Parties

Team Zone does not provide information collected via cookies with third parties unaffiliated with Team Zone unless otherwise stated at the point of collection of such information. Team Zone does not sell, rent, loan, trade, or disclose PII to commercial organisations. Team Zone retains the right to disclose information, at our sole discretion, to law enforcement or other government agencies as is deemed necessary and/or appropriate. This Privacy Policy is subject to Federal and State laws in Australia.

Delivery of AFL Team 2023 cards

We collect the participant's postal address on for the sole purpose of accurately delivering the Team 2023 footy cards.

Opt-in to communication

We collect the participants email address if they opt in to receive communication from (latest news and offers from Teamcoach)

Requests for Feedback may request feedback from children regarding an activity or piece of content. Such feedback is used for internal purposes only.

Safety and Security

We request that participants under 14 years of age are supervised by an adult or obtain their parents consent to participate.

Security and Integrity of Personal Information

Team Zone has established and maintains reasonable administrative, technical, personal and physical measures to protect the confidentiality, security and integrity of PII collected by

Comments? Questions? Suggestions?

Team Zone welcomes any suggestions on how to make a better and safer place for children. If you would like to communicate with us about our Privacy Policy, please email us at or write to us Team Zone, PO Box 70, Balaclava, Vic 3183, Australia

Terms and Conditions

By entering your code, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions:

1. This offer is provided exclusively by the AFL in the 2023. The site is managed by TeamZone, the official game card licensee of the AFL and producer of the AFL Team 2023 Game Cards. TeamZone a division of Zone Properties Pty Ltd ACN 050 131 096 of PO Box 70, Balaclava, Vic 3183, Australia.

2. The first 10,000 kids under 16 will receive two free personalised AFL Team 2023 Footy Cards.

3. You are required to enter your unique code to redeem your personalised cards. The code can only be used once.

4. You can choose from the 2 x club templates

5. The photo must be of a child under 16 years old with the correct child's first name and surname, otherwise the order will not be accepted.

6. You agree to allow AFL to use your child's image for promotional purposes. (Both the AFL and TeamZone adhere to strict Privacy Policies)

7. Upon submitting your card details to print, there are no further changes or replacement cards provided. Please allow up to 28 days for delivery.

8. You agree not to publish or duplicate your "My Team Cards" in any form including copying by print or electronic format.

If you have any queries, please contact us at